Three stories more interesting than the NFL
Just like most everyone else, I'm sick and tired of hearing about the NFL. As a friend told me last night, it's entertainers trying to get political, and SJWs jumping into football, which they care nothing about. It is a story that easily polarizes our country, and I believe that is exactly why it is being given so much attention. So here's what I want to read about instead, three stories that are unifying for our Country and our Faith: Marian Statues Surviving Disasters All over the world, we have fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, and so many other natural disasters. In the midst of all these catastrophes, statues and images of Our Lady keep miraculously surviving unscathed. There are reports from Spain, Mexico, and two from Huston, all in the last few weeks. I can't help but call to mind the upcoming 100th anniversary of the Miracle at Fatima. Maybe Our Lady is asking for our attention. Certainly, she is a great source of comfort and refuge in a world...